Glass Art

I first had the idea to create art on glass around September last year. 

I felt the need to get some training in signwriting first though, so that I would be able to write on glass, but I couldn't get this organised until January of this year, which then morphed into February.

So, after 4 days of training , I was set to go, or so I thought, like most things that you try for the first time, it's definitely not as easy as it looks.

So, after a lot of trial and error, (scraping gold leaf off the back of a piece of glass isn't my idea of fun) I finally sussed it, and decided to have a go at the Ferrari team logo, and I was quite happy with the finished result.

Ferrari logo, Scuderia Ferrari, prancing horse, gold leaf

The beauty of this artwork, is that the gilded glass at the rear of the piece acts like a mirror, and gives the impression of a three dimensional piece, the effect is quite stunning.

There are two pieces of 3mm picture glass separated by a 12mm spacer. 

The reflection from the gilded glass adds depth the the image on the rear of the front sheet of glass, and in the right light, the effect is stunning.

I have big plans for this collection, in that there are a number of high end car logos that I can replicate in this manner.

I also have plans for the frames, but more on that in coming newsletters, I don't want to released everything just yet as I need to test it all out, which I will be doing shortly.

This piece created such an interest at last weeks show, that it sold on the first day to a Ferrari owner who had taken delivery of his new Ferrari the day before.

I am so glad that I managed to get it ready for the show.

I am so excited by this new artform that I will be devoting as much time to the creation of new pieces as I am able to do.